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KS Oils - Disclosures under Reg.. 7 (3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 1997


The Exchange has received the following disclosure under Regulation 7(3) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997:

Name of Target company (Reporting company)

KS Oils Ltd.

Date of reporting

Mar 28, 2008

Name of Stock exchanges where shares are listed.

Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd, National Stock Exchange of  India Ltd.

Name of Acquirers/ Sellers

Date of Acquisition/ Sale

Mode of acquisition/ Sale

No & % of shares acquired/ (Sale)

Shareholding of acquirers stated at (A) before acquisition/ Sale

Shareholding of acquirers stated at (A) after acquisition/ Sale







Acquirer:1) Citigroup Venture Capital International Growth Partnership Mauritius Ltd

Mar 26, 2008

Conversion of Warrants





41,288,953 (12.42%)

PAC 1: 2) Gautam Nayak and Keshav BhujIe (As trustees of Growth Partnership Ajay Relan Co-Investment Trust; Growth Partnership P.R. Srjnivasan Co-Investment Trust; Growth Partnership Vinayak Shenvi Co-Investment Trust;
Growth Partnership J.K. Basu Co-Investment Trust; and Growth Partnership Vivek Chhachhi Co-Investment Trust)

94,910 (0.03%)

135,839 (0.04%)

230,749 (0.07%)

PAC 2: 3) Gautam Nayak and Keshav Bhujle As trustees of CVCI GP II Ajay Relan Trust; CVCI GP II Vivek Chhachhi Trust; CVCI GP II Jayanta Kumar Basu Trust; CVCI GP II Vinayak Shenvi Trust; and CVCI GP II P.R. Srinivasan Trust)




90,720 (0.03%)

90,720 (0.03%)