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Promoting Local Economic Development

Morena district is situated in the erstwhile bandit dominated Chambal area of Madhya Pradesh and is backward in terms of economic prosperity and industrial development. As one of the largest corporates having a presence in Morena, K S Oils has taken upon itself the responsibility of aiding the economic development of the people there. The Company today provides direct employment to over 3000 families in the district and has created indirect employment to over 50,000 families.

K S Oils has promoted the local brick kiln industry and developed a strong supplier base of small- scale industries that provide various services and raw materials to the Company.

Today, with its strong business performance, acquisitions in South East Asia and its emergence as one of India's fastest growing companies, K S Oils has put Morena on the national and international map. This has infused a sense of pride, self-belief and confidence in the people of Morena.