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At K S Oils, we believe that employee engagement is incomplete without honest and continuous communication. As a part of the process of creating a two-way pro-active and meaningful dialogue, we have started an initiative for employee communication, 'Mustard Magic', an internal company newsletter.

Mustard Magic captures the essence of K S Oils, its employees and the outstanding work that is happening in the company. It has leadership messages from the senior management, employee appreciation, knowledge articles and insights that capture the events of the K S Oils family under a single umbrella. The communication has participation from employees, their family and experts thus creating an instant touch point with all the employees.

Staying true to the company's promise of delivering health and prosperity to millions of consumers in India, Mustard Magic has a lot of health and personal improvement tips which are not only relevant to professionals leading a busy life but to the family as a whole.

To download the latest issue of Mustard Magic click here.