KS Oils Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 01, 2009, inter alia, has considered and approved the following:
Allotment of 28,807,339 warrants to the Promoters, each such warrant convertible into one equity shares of Rs 1/- each at a premium of Rs 53.50 each of the company, pursuant to provisions of Section 81 (1A) and other applicable provisions if any of the Companies Act, 1956, SEBI (DIP) Guidelines 2000.
Allotment of 27,921,406 Equity Shares of Rs 1/- each at a premium of Rs 47.43 each of the Company, to NSR Direct PE Mauritius, LLC pursuant to provisions of Section 81 (1A) and other applicable provisions if any of the Companies Act, 1956, SEBI (DIP) Guidelines 2000.
Appointment of Mr. Vivek Sett as Additional Director of the Company under the provision of Section 260 of the Companies Act, 1956.