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Do you often toss and turn in your bed at night, trying hard to fall asleep? Nowadays, many people have trouble getting a good night's sleep; bedtime, which ideally should be the most relaxing time, is literally turning into a nightmare for many. But don't worry, unless you are suffering from a medically diagnosed serious sleep disorder, your sleep discomfort can be resolved through simple changes in your habits.


Sleep is essential for our well being. It gives our body time to rest and recover from the day's exertion and prepare for the next day. Several studies have proved that sleep deprivation or disturbed sleep negatively impact productivity and concentration. Some other studies have shown that insufficient sleep / sleep irregularities increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Most scientists and doctors recommend 7-8 hours of sound sleep for normal functioning and well being.

For most people their sleep problems arise out of irregular sleeping hours and poor bedtime choices. Consistently working late hours or working in erratic shifts, watching television or surfing the net when its time to sleep, gradually alter your body's sleep clock which ultimately manifests in poor sleep. For getting good sleep, your body and mind needs to be calmed and relaxed, but we do the exact opposite. By watching television, eating heavily or doing office work just before bedtime we stimulate our body and mind rather than calming it. Let's take a look at how you can calm yourself and prepare for a good night's sleep.

Be active during the day:

Our body needs sleep to recover from exertion, both physical and mental. Due to our sedentary lifestyle, many of us don't get physically tired, and if there is not much to recover from, sleep can be hard to come by. Remember the story of the pampered princess who couldn't sleep even on the softest of beds? Then once when she got lost in the woods, she stayed with a peasant family, worked during the day and at night slept like a log on a straw mattress.

Get rid of the stimulants:

At the end of the day, we like to unwind by watching t.v. or surfing the net or playing video games. Indulging in these activities just before bedtime stimulates your mind, making it difficult to calm down. Also, many times, we get so engrossed in these activities that we continue doing them past our bedtime, which adversely affects our body clock. In addition avoid, eating heavy meals, drinking coffee / tea and exercising intensely just before bedtime.

Calm down:

To calm yourself try a warm bath or a foot dip. Drinking milk is also helpful. Milk contains calcium and amino acid trytophan, both of which are known to relax the mind. Practising meditation or other relaxation techniques can help you release stress and stabilise your mind.

Maintain discipline:

Poor lifestyle choices and lack of discipline in maintaining good eating and sleeping habits upsets can upset your body clock. Hence, fix your meal and sleeping time and as far as possible stick to it. Avoid staying awake beyond your bedtime or changing your sleeping time often.

Create a conducive environment:

Dim the lights in your bedroom at least fifteen minutes before you go to sleep. Avoid eating, chatting, reading or doing any activity on bed that will distract you from sleeping. Keep the noise down - block out the noise from loud conversations, t.v., music system etc. that may be coming from other rooms of your house. If your bed and pillow are old and no longer comfortable explore the different options available in the market. A variety of pillows and beds made from different materials and of different thickness and volume are available to suit your needs. Have adequate ventilation in your bedroom.

Follow your body's cues and fix your bedtime around the time your body feels tired. By following this golden rule and making positive adjustments, getting good sleep should be easier.


Health Initiative from KS Oils